Safe Trick or Treating this Halloween

divider0006Halloween is just around the corner and you have probably already started to pick out costumes with the kids. This is a fun time of year to play dress up and get creative. Here are a few tips to help you and your little ones stay safe and have fun this Halloween.1. Always make sure visibility is a priority Seeing through costumes is important to avoid tripping hazards, cars and other trick or treaters. Make sure you and/or the kids are also visible to others. Reflective or bright clothing is helpful to drivers and other patrons2. Map out your routeHaving a plan ahead of time helps track each other down in case of separation. This also helps you determine the most efficient route to hit the most number of homes and maximize your haul!3. Travel in groups Especially in the case of pre-teens possibly going out without supervision, there is safety and security in numbers. For parents, this is a great way to socialize and hang back with fellow parents while the kids approach the doors4. Dress for the weather Canadian weather can be unpredictable at this time of year. Dressing for the weather will help you stay out as long as you can- when it comes to costumes and cold weather, layering underneath is best so the costume is front and centre5. Watch what you eat  After collecting, sort through the goodies with your kids. Make sure to remove anything that is not sealed or appears to have been tampered with. These tips may seem like a no-brainer but it never hurts to have a refresh. Halloween is a great community building opportunity to socialize with neighbours and get into the spirit of fun and sharing. If your household is not partaking in shelling out, it is always good to keep your porch or front lights out so kids know to skip you. If you are going with the kids, or sending them out with a group of friends, take lots of photos! Halloween is always a fun time of year to look back on as we get too old to trick or treat ourselves.Above all- have fun, stay safe and have a Happy Halloween!By: Amber Morleydivider